New: special rubber surrounds for VIFA units
From now on, available on request, special rubber surrounds for the VIFA P13SG-03 and P13SH-21 midwoofers.
We can be reached by telephone again
With immediate effect we can be reached by telephone again and we have access to WhatsApp again.
Orders placed on February 12-13, 2024 will be shipped with a delay
Due to renovations, orders placed on February 12 and 13 will not be processed until February 14. If your order is urget, please place your order on February 10 or 11, these orders will still be shipped on February 12. Orders placed on February 12 and 13 will most likely not be shipped until February 14. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Temporarily unavailable by telephone and WhatsApp
We are temporarily unavailable by telephone and WhatsApp. We apologize for the inconvenience. We can be reached by e-mail.
Shipping costs 2024
We have determined the shipping costs for 2024, we will use the same shipping costs as in 2023. The growth in shipments largely compensates for the increased costs.
Delivery delay
Due to the large volumes of (Christmas) mail, delays are reported both within the Netherlands and for international deliveries. Do you take into account a longer shipping time than normal?
Problems with server(s)
Today a problem occurred several times, lasting a few minutes, with both our web and mail servers. As a result, both this website and the e-mail address for orders were temporarily unavailable. The problem should now be resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Manual for replacement B&W Continuum FST midrange
For the (lucky) owners of a B&W speaker with a Continuum cone FST midrange driver, we have created a manual on how to replace the midrange driver yourself. The manual can be found here.

New replacement tweeter for B&W 683, 684 & 685
We have received the new replacement tweeter for the B&W 683, 684 and 685. This tweeter is supplied without the front plate and must be screwed onto the screw plate from the rear with two screws.

The front plate is secured in the speaker cabinet with pins (pegs).

The tweeter can be found here.
Payment methods available again
In the meantime, after a software update, all payment methods are available again.
Payment methods not available
Due to an unknown reason, only the payment method 'bank transfer' is currently available. We are trying to resolve this problem as soon as possible. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
B&W HF00655 tweeter no longer available
The B&W tweeter HF00655, used in the 683, 684 & 685, is no longer available.

B&W will come up with a replacement tweeter, but it is supplied without the characteristic front plate. As soon as we have more information, we will post it here.
Business order without VAT
It is possible to place a business order without VAT. This is only possible if you have a valid VAT number for an EU company. To place a business order without VAT you must enter the following details when you enter your address / payment details:

Please note: VAT will only be deducted if you:
- Enter the correct company name
- Enter a valid VAT number
- Indicate that you wish to make use of the VAT exemption.
Sender emails correct again
The sender of the email you receive when you place an order is again the correct one:
We apologize for the inconvenience in recent weeks.
Foam surround for Harman Kardon GLA-55 now available
As of today, we have a foam surround for the Harman Kardon GLA-55 woofer in our range.
Failure again....
Yesterday the server on which this website runs broke down. In all haste, a backup was restored to another machine. That has resulted in a number of problems. Most problems have now been resolved. A problem still exists: when you order you will receive an e-mail with the sender 'Keizerfazant 29'. The email you receive is legitimate, despite the odd sender. We are currently looking for a solution to this problem.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Malfunction again
In the night of July 30, another malfunction occurred, this time in a DNS server, and this site was unavailable for some time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to a faulty network router (according to our provider), our webshop was temporarily unavailable on July 25. It was also not possible to receive or send e-mail messages. We apologize for the inconvenience.
New content
We have published two new manuals. One manual explains how a JBL Atlas woofer can be completely overhauled, the other shows how an 'inverted' foam surround is placed on an 8 inch Wharfedale woofer.
Visa & Mastercard payments now possible
At the request of many (foreign) customers, we have opened the option to pay with Visa and Mastercard credit cards. Since the costs for these payments are approximately 4% for us, we charge a surcharge for these payment options.

Shipping costs not increased from July 1, 2023
As of July 1, 2023, PostNL will increase a number of rates for business users. We have decided not to pass on these increases to our customers for the time being.
ZZ10531 and ZZ12467 no longer available
Unfortunately, B&W no longer supplies the ZZ12467 (CM2 / CM4 woofer / mid) and the ZZ10531 (N803 / N804 midrange). We still have a very limited stock of the ZZ12467.
Soon change e-mail address for orders
We will soon change the e-mail address we use for orders to With this we hope to reduce the number of cases that your order is delivered to your SPAM folder.
We will keep the old address open for the time being.
Spider for JBL Atlas woofer now available
We already had a foam surround in our product range for the JBL Atlas woofer, but now the spiders of this famous woofer are also starting to fail. The spider is the part that attaches the coil and cone to the speaker frame.
With this spider, and the matching foam surround, most JBL Atlas woofers can be overhauled.
New B&W parts in stock
Our range of B&W parts has been expanded with a number of parts for the B&W 700 S2 series. For example, we have included a tweeter grille, a woofer, a tweeter, a midrange speaker and a number of rubber edges for this series in our range. The items are now available. The rubber edge is produced in-house, B&W does not supply these parts.
Fabric dust cap, 50 mm, now available
Now available by popular request: fabric dust cap with a diameter of 50 mm. This dust cover has been used in dozens of different loudspeakers. This cover can also replace foam dust covers (used in Philips woofers, for example).
Spare parts for Wharfedale EVO4 series now available
We have received a number of spare parts for the popular Wharfedale EVO4 series, these are available from today.
B&W ZC12092 tweeter (CDM1NT, CDM7NT, CDM9NT) no longer available
The tweeter for the B&W CDM1NT, CDM7NT & CDM9NT is unfortunately no longer available, both as a separate tweeter and as a tweeter with housing. The tweeter of the CDMCNT (the center speaker from the series) can serve as a replacement, we currently have this on order.
Woofer and tweeter for B&W Zeppelin
On request, we have included the woofer and tweeter for the B&W Zeppelin Wireless in the product range. They are available now.
Parts for JBL Arena series
We have included a number of spare parts for the JBL Arena series in our product range. They are available while supplies last.
Business to business
Do you know we also provide loads of companies with speaker parts? For business to business orders we have special wholesaleprices for several non branded products like surrounds, dust-caps etc etc. Our wholesaleprices are valid for orders of 50 pcs or more and discounts as high as 30% are possible for B2B orders. You can contact us for more details.
Special square foam surround for Sony SAT woofer
On request, we have included a special foam surround in our product range for the Sony SAT 8-927-258-00 woofer. The foam surround is available from now on.

Website unreachable
Due to a failed update, this website has been unavailable for several hours today. Sorry for the inconvenience.
EPS transfer
Starting from today we are connected to the EPS payment network. Transfers using EPS are now possible.

SOFORT banking
Starting from today we are connected to the SOFORT payment network. This means customers from the eight countries supported by this network can pay using SOFORT from now on.

New: special rubber surround for Wharfedale Diamond 9.5 midrange now also available
The special rubber surround for the Wharfedale Diamond 9.5 midrange driver (17159) is also available from now on. It has exactly the same specifications as the original but is made of more durable rubber.
B&W parts no longer available
The following B&W parts are no longer available. We have received one or a few pieces of some, but as soon as these are sold out, we can no longer deliver them.
ZZ14142 HTM7 tweeter (unfortunately we no longer have stock)
HF00337 XT2/XT4 tweeter
ZZ12947 DM60x S3 tweeter black
ZZ12475 DM309 tweeter
ZZ10515 N801 woofer
ZZ12785 Nautilus 800 Complete Tweeter w/ Housing (unfortunately we no longer have stock)
HF00359 XTC Aluminum Tweeter (unfortunately we no longer have stock)
If you are interested in one of these parts and we have stock, we advise you not to wait too long. Once finished we can't offer you any of these anymore.
Replacement tweeter for B&W P6 limited in stock again.
Several B&W P6 owners have successfully used the B&W PM1 tweeter as a replacement for the original (discontinued) P6 tweeter. The B&W PM1 tweeter (HF01007) is currently back in limited supply.
New: special rubber surround for Wharfedale Diamond 9.5 woofer
Specially made by popular demand, a rubber surround for the much acclaimed Wharfedale Diamond 9.5 woofer. Now available.
Yesterday we received our first shipment of parts from B&W in the new year. Depending on the type of part, B&W has increased prices by 10-20% due to the increased prices of energy, semi-finished products and transport. Unfortunately, we are forced to pass on the increased prices. You will therefore see the prices of the B&W parts rise in the near future. We expect that this will also apply to parts from other brands.
Your order as letter post?
Since 2020, it has been formally prohibited to send goods as letter post. All goods must be sent as a parcel, or as a letterbox parcel. This applies to all shipments, worldwide.
Since 2020, PostNL has always argued that these rules would not be enforced by PostNL and that goods sent as letters would not be 'blocked'. The thumbscrews have now been tightened more strongly and in a number of cases PostNL's machines are able to 'recognize' goods as letter mail. In those cases, the letter post will be returned to us, or we will be charged an additional fee + fine.
This means that with effect from 1 January 2022 we feel compelled to drastically limit the number of letter mail items. Only goods that are not easily recognizable as goods (small loudspeaker surrounds, tinselwire, that sort of things) will be sent as letters and in small numbers only - as long as we succeed. We will only send all other items as letterbox package from 1 January. Please note letter mail to the UK was on its' way out already because UK customs want us to pre-notify them of any shipment with goods coming from the EU.
We apologize for the inconvenience and increased shipping costs.