Returning goods

You have the legal right to return purchases within 14 days, measured from the moment you received the items. After this period of 14 days you no longer have the legal right to return, you can still request a return. For the right of return that we grant after the legal period of 14 days, we do not refund the shipping costs you paid when purchasing, you can then only request a refund of the purchase price of the goods.

Here we briefly describe what the procedure for a return shipment is.

If you want to return goods, request our return form. We will send this to you by e-mail upon first request. You complete this form and enclose it with the goods that you are returning.

You bear the costs for the return shipment. Even if the delivery of the order was free. You can, if you meet the legal conditions for returns, receive a refund of the 'shipping costs upon purchase' that you paid.

Put the completed return form with the items in the return shipment. Pack everything well, very well. You are liable for any damage or loss during transport of the return shipment. We recommend that you only send returns insured with the correct insured value. You then place the risk of damage or loss with the carrier. If necessary, take photos of the return shipment before you close the box so that you have visual material in the event of damage or loss.

Stamp your return shipment correctly. We will refuse returns for which we are charged shipping costs.

Let us know the T&T code of your return shipment, if there is a T&T code. If the delivery person misses us and we do not have a T&T code, we will not know that a shipment is ready for us. If the shipment is returned to you, and we did not have a T&T code, this is your responsibility. You must then send the goods again or cancel the return.

If you are returning goods from a destination outside the EU, please correctly indicate to Dutch customs that it concerns a return shipment. Return shipments are exempt from duty, provided that they are registered correctly. You can find more information on the return form or you can request it at a post office near you. If the Dutch customs charges a fee on your return shipment, we will charge this to you or deduct it from the amount to be refunded. The customer is responsible for correctly registering returns.

When we receive the return shipment optically undamaged, we will inspect the goods. Shipments that are visibly (severely) damaged will be photographed but refused. If the original goods reach us in new condition, we will accept your return. We will then refund your full purchase price, or the purchase price minus shipping costs, within fourteen days from the date of inspection.
If the goods are damaged or they are not the goods that we sent you, at our discretion, we will refuse your return. Goods from which our marking has been removed, tampered with or damaged, will always be refused. In all these cases, we will not refund the purchase price and/or shipping costs. In that case, you have the following choice:

1. We will throw away the returned item.
2. We will return the item(s) to you, calculating shipping costs plus applicable VAT.

Before you start your return, we would like to point out once again that you are responsible for the returned goods until they are delivered to us. Any damage or loss that occurs before we receive the item back is not for our account, but for the account of the buyer.

Please only return original, undamaged, new items to avoid disappointment.

If you have any questions about returning goods, please do not hesitate to contact us.