Tips from users
Sometimes we receive feedback from users in the form of pictures, tips, or sometimes even complete manuals. If we believe that this information can also be useful to other users, we will, after receiving permission from the creator, publish the information here at your disposal.
We emphasize here that all the information you find here is posted with permission of the creator. We place the original file in its original format. We have permission for publication, and you can read the information, or you may link to the information, but if you want to publish the information by yourself please also ask permission of the creator.\
Repair of the midrange of Backes & Müller BM6
The file contains a series of tips, a kind of roadmap, forr this midrange overhaul. It contains some photos of high quality and also looks at the restoration of the matal dust-cap. The text is in English, the file is in PDF format, so you need a PDF reader to view the file. You can download the file here.
Bang and Olufsen MS150 repair
On the internet (Beoworld) we came across a very detailed description about refoaming the two woofers in the B&O MS150 by one of our customers. The description comes with very clear pictures and deals with loads of problems during the process of refoaming. Look, learn and enjoy here.
AR18 cone edge cleaning
Thought you might be interested in my successful technique for removing the old foam from AR18 cones. I simply used very hot water ~90º C & very gentle loosening with a cotton cleaner. Works a treat & once the water's evaporated, the cone appears to be fine.

Rattling sound in Infinity Kappa 100 woofer
The woofer of the Infinity Kappa 100 can make a 'rattling sound' over time. This shortcoming is relatively easy to repair yourself.
Infinity has placed two pieces of metal under the dust cover of the Kappa 100 woofer to increase the weight of the cone. These metal pieces are attached with glue.

Over time, these pieces of metal can (partly) come loose and 'clatter' against the cone. That's the sound you hear. Gluing the metal parts back solves the problem.
B&W 800D2 series (ZZ14388) tweeter replacement with cheaper option.
I replaced my B&W HTM2 Diamond (ZZ14388) tweeter with a CM6 S2 tweeter. It fits, the sensitivity is the same as diamond (to my ear). I'm sure the diamond is better. But after a few days of listening, I couldn't hear a difference. Of course there's a major difference in price.
Grommets for B&W DM604 S3 grille no longer available. Tip.
I replaced my B&W HTM2 Diamond (ZZ14388) tweeter with a CM6 S2 tweeter. It fits, the sensitivity is the same as diamond (to my ear). I'm sure the diamond is better. But after a few days of listening, I couldn't hear a difference. Of course there's a major difference in price.
Grommets for B&W DM604 S3 grille no longer available. Tip.
Unfortunately for my series the grommets holding the grille into place are no longer available. To give them "grip" again, I put them in boiling water for fifteen minutes. This has already brought many a drive belt "to life" again and also worked fine here, the grille is held well again (not that I often have it on.....).