Repelacement diaphragm for Selenium B-52 Comp4D210

Ti-diaphragm, RDC 6,3 Ohm, easy to install

Repelacement diaphragm for Selenium B-52 Comp4D210
€ 20,99 20,29 *Prices include VAT
Article codeKOGLsel206
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-Power handling: 20 watts RMS/40 watts program above recommended crossover of 2.5 kHz/12 dB slope
- VCdia: 1,75"
-Impedance: 8 ohms
- RDC 6,3 ohm -Frequency response: 1,500-18,000 Hz
-SPL: 107 dB 1W/1m
Discount scheme
  • 1+ = € 20,29
  • 6+ = € 18,26


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