Privacy & safety

We care about your privacy. All personal information is therefore handled with care. We comply with the legislation that applies to personal data. You can request to view your stored personal data and you can have the data changed or removed by us as far as legally permitted.

Which data does Good Hifi VOF collect?
If you just browse this website, Good Hifi VOF doesn't store any information about you. A cookie will be stored in the memory of your webbrowser - it's there just to make the website function correctly. One of the reasons the cookie is there is the webshop can keep track of what's in your shopping cart. This cookie is a cookie for this session only and is not related to any other website.

If you place an order with us, we need your personal details to process the order correctly. We will try to assess these details for accuracy and in case of doubt (for example: a shipping address seems incorrect) we will contact you by e-mail.

What information do we collect when you place an order:
Name and address details: These are data such as name, address and place of residence, which you enter in the order form. We use this information to process the order and to ensure that the order is delivered. We share this information with PostNL and any subcontractors to have your order delivered.

Your e-mail address: We use your e-mail address to confirm the order and inform you when your order will be dispatched. We also use it to contact you if we have questions about your order. When we send you a pre-notified shipment (letterbox parcel, parcel, registered package, registered letter), we share your email address with PostNL so that PostNL (or their representative) can contact you via email about the shipment.

Your telephone number: In order to be able to send your order with a track and trace code, we ask you for a telephone number on which you can be reached during office hours. We put this number on the track and trace form that we share with PostNL so that PostNL can reach you if there are problems with the delivery. Our experience has learned us shipments with a phone number have a higher chance on (timely) delivery than shipments without a phonenumber. That's why a phone number is required when ordering.

Where do we store the details of your order?
If you place an order, we store your data on secure servers of Savvii. They are located in the Netherlands and have to comply with Dutch and EU laws. These data are only accessible to authorized employees of Good Hifi VOF. After downloading the data by our employees, the data is regularly removed (at least once a month) from the Savvii servers, after which we have no more data stored from you online.
For the benefit of our sales administration we keep a copy of every order in pdf format. We have the legal obligation to keep these for seven years. After seven years we will destroy these files. This file contains all data from your order: your name and address, the e-mail address, the ordered goods, the price, the chosen payment method, the chosen shipping method, and possibly the VAT number used. These files are stored locally, with password protection, for a maximum of 7 years. We do not store customer data in 'the cloud'.

Do we store other information about you?

What do we do not do with your data?
We never use your data to show you different prices than to other customers. We offer all our customers the same basic prices for all our articles and products, but the price shown may vary due to the application of different VAT rates for different European countries.
We never sell your data to others.
We do not use your data to track you on the internet. Cookies on our website are exclusively functional and intended only for the current browsing session. No so-called 'tracking cookies' are placed with which your surfing behavior can be tracked.

Our website is fully secured with SSL encryption through a unique security certificate that is only used for this website. All data sent between your computer and our website is therefore encrypted.
And... PostNL knows us:
PostNL knows

Questions or remarks?
Feel free to contact

© Good Hifi VOF, 22-05-2024