Replace Infinity Beta tweeter

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - Broken Infinity Beta tweeter in housing.

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - Remove the sealant between the tweeter and the housing.

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - Loosen the tweeter from the housing.

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - Make notches at the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock positions with a dremel

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - Make notches at the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock positions with a drill

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - Roughen the inside of the housing with sandpaper

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - Clean the tweeter housing from dust

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - The tweeter housing, clean and provided with notches. With the replacement tweeter.

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - Apply glue to the tweeter housing.

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - Apply glue to the outside of the black tweeter housing.

Replace Infinity Beta tweeter - The replacement tweeter glued into the tweeter housing.

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